the rules don’t bend
Play does not equate to genital contact and PIV sex. It can mean a wide array of BDSM or kink activity that does not have to be explicitly sexual. It can mean sex but it does not have to. If you understand the word play to solely mean penetrative sex then UnScene is not the event for you.
You must have ongoing, informed, enthusiastic consent from all parties in a scene. If you’re not sure- ask!
No means no. Nothing is ever assumed.
You must also:
Be aged 21+ and a member of UnScene to attend UnScene parties and socials. Membership is gained through successful application.
Not touch guests or staff without their consent.
Not interrupt a scene, no matter how well you know someone.
Never assume that because someone is in this kind of space, they want to play. Play is never expected.
Not be afraid to say no to something you don’t fully enthusiastically want to do.
Not be overly intoxicated.
While we want you to be comfortable- Avoid wearing sequins, fancy dress, cosplay, ‘festival’ wear, feather headdresses, office wear and steampunk style. Please also avoid glitter. Please make an effort. Check our IG for inspo.
Be responsible for yourself and your pal(s).
Ask if you are unsure of someone’s pronouns.
Be tolerant of others. Hatred towards any group based on gender, sexuality, race, disability and any other protected characteristics will result in ejection.
Not solo wank. This means watching another scene and masturbating without consent of those you are watching.
Be sensitive to others’ personal space, triggers and trauma.
Not be a cruiser. While this is a space to create and sustain human interaction, please do so in a way that would make us proud. No slime balls. Be friendly, be kind, be flirty, sure, but don’t be creepy or coercive or toxic or expect things in return. It’s quite simple!
Not use sharps, knives or engage in blood, vomit or toilet play at this event.
Keep the play space tidy and clean. Wipe down equipment after use. Dispose of all condoms, packets, everything, into the bins provided.
Negotiate boundaries and limits before starting a scene with someone. Accept that risk is present within all play.
Use safewords during scenes. Red is a universal safe word which means the scene must be stopped immediately. The traffic light system of Green (Go!), Yellow (approaching limit) and Red (Stop immediately) is a good system to use if you’re unsure.
Implement and establish aftercare with your scene partner(s). This means how do you look after and have yourself looked after in return someone once play is over. A snack, a hug, a sit down, some water?
Not take photos or use your phone in public spaces at the event. You can tag @Unscene_ldn in your outfit photos before you leave your house.
Speak to our welfare staff if you have any issues with anyone or for advice on how to use any of the equipment.
UnScene is designed to be a welcoming, safe environment dedicated to play. It is not a big club night. UnScene will do everything it can to ensure the humans attending are safe and sound and responsible. It is important you act appropriately, take responsibility and do not over intoxicate.
If you are deemed too intoxicated, you and your pal will be asked to leave UnScene.
If there is a complaint made about your behaviour during UnScene you and your pal will be asked to leave UnScene.
If a complaint is made about your behaviour after UnScene, UnScene reserves the right to not invite you back and remove your membership. UnScene reserves the right not to mediate.
UnScene is a members only event. Non members found to be in attendance will be asked to leave. Anyone found to be under 21 will have their membership revoked. UnScene membership may be revoked if you are in breach of any rules of membership policy or in attendance with non members or under 21s.
UnScene asks you to be courageous if you need to make a complaint so the person knows what they have done in order to be able to take accountability for their behaviour, however you may remain anonymous if you wish.
UnScene has a zero tolerance policy for any form of hatred towards any group based on gender, sexuality, race, disability and any other protected characteristics. Anyone in breach of the rules will be ejected.
UnScene reserves the right to revoke membership or decline applications without comment. UnScene may offer a process of warning, then dismissal upon secondary rule breaking, or immediate dismissal.
UnScene requires applicants and subsequent members to disclose if they are banned from other events. Failure to do so will result in termination of membership with immediate effect.
UnScene reserves the right as to whether to permanently ban someone or advise a break from attending events.
Unsuccessful applicants may not reapply without invitation to do so. If invited to reapply you may do so in three month’s time.
Privacy Policy
UnScene only holds minimal necessary data- this is the information you have provided in your application, which you are entitled to have removed at any time. The database is only accessible to the founder of UnScene and the administration officer. We do not share any information with any third parties.